luiza Budea FakeFlow

Not a Flow Painting

Title: Not A Flow Painting
Size: 25.5  x 19.75 in
Size framed: 24 x 30in
Medium: Pen and ink on paper

This “painting” was done during the Pandemic lockdown in Spring of 2020. With the art studios closed and everyone at home it was nearly impossible to paint. Therefore I did a series of paintings in Pen and Ink, which were easier to set up, easy to clean up, and didn’t take as much space. Flow paintings are all the rage at the moment, and I liked their naturally occurring swirls and patterns, but I didn’t like their uncontrolled and messy process. So I replicated the aesthetics and patterns of a flow painting by hand in a composition that I could manipulate at will. My goal wasn’t realism but a sort of controlled representationism of paint flow, much like Lichtenstein’s cartooned brushstroke.